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To be a passionate, loving, and merciful church that manifests God's Grace to all people. Committed to the transformation of each individual through the revelation of God's Love.
A church that leads people to Christ, incorporating them into God's Spiritual Family, promoting their holistic development so they can worship God and serve their generation with Love.
A vibrant church that manifests the Power and Authority of God through the revelation of the Word, with an emphasis on God's Grace, expressing it through relationships.
A church that reveals God's love through volunteer work, service, worship, unity, discipleship, loyalty, and honor.
A church that serves its generation with love, cultivating unity as God's Spiritual Family, and encouraging maximum “serving” and involvement in volunteer activities.
A church that generates life and a discipling character, manifesting the children of God to the world, rather than consumers of religion. Our Christian life is not limited to life in the temple on Sundays. Being a Christian, for us, is a lifestyle.
Living Water Church desires to be a place where anyone, in any situation, at any time, has access to Christ and the forgiveness of the cross.