Yes. At the end of each year, you just need to request a receipt from the church treasury for the total of your donations. It is important to note that the envelope of your donation should include your full name. If the contribution was made online, your name will automatically be requested for recording and completing the donation.
Living Water Church believes that generosity is a reflection of the heart of God and a practical expression of love for others. In 2 Corinthians 9:7 we are told, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Our church values generosity as a voluntary and joyful act that comes from recognizing God’s blessings in our lives.
For us, generosity is more than an isolated act; it is a lifestyle that seeks to meet the needs of others, both within the church and in the community around us. In Acts 20:35, we are reminded of Jesus’ words, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This joy comes from knowing that through our giving, we are part of God’s work and participating in something greater.
As a church, we want to be known for our willingness to share our resources, time, and talents, not just because it is our duty, but because we understand that as stewards of what God has given us, we are called to bless others. Proverbs 11:25 teaches us that “A generous soul will prosper, and he who gives will be given back.” This is our faith: that as we give, we will also be renewed and strengthened by the Lord.
We are committed to living an intentional, transformative generosity that reflects the heart of God and shows the world the power of His love in action.
How to donate
Credit card, debit card, or transfer.